Dr. Saumitra Mohan, author of Why Are We Born? Understanding the Cosmic Drama, graced the Viveka Aditya Academy with his presence on the 21st of December, 2024. With a subtle yet profound eloquence, he stirred the “eternal doubt” within us all, urging us to pause, step back, and ponder: Where do we stand? And from here, where shall we journey?

Through his words, he wove a tapestry of introspection, inviting us to chart our own paths and rediscover the purpose of human existence. His musings illuminated the delicate threads of the “Spiritual Unity for Human Progression”, a call to seek harmony in our shared odyssey.

Dr. Mohan’s probing dialogue spun a panoramic view of life, a 360-degree exploration through the multifaceted lenses of reason and reflection. He led us deep into the heart of his book, drawing particular attention to Chapter 15, The Importance of Being Unimportant, and Chapter 16, Sense of Power and Powerlessness. These chapters resonate deeply with those who climb the endless ladder of achievement yet find themselves pondering the question: Where do I go next?

With every word, Dr. Mohan offered not mere answers but pathways, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of our own spiritual and existential truths.